Yoga and Mindfulness to Help Heal a Traumatic Brain Injury with Mallory Fox - Episode 5

Whether you realize it or not, you know someone who has been affected by brain injury. Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness are such powerful practice's to help aid the recovery and healing process from a Traumatic Brain Injury. Most yoga teachers ask about injuries in the beginning of a class or private session, but do you understand the intricacies of a traumatic brain injury? It’s important as a yoga teacher to understand how yoga/mindfulness work with the brain and nervous system….so you can show up for your students and clients in a more mindful way.

In this episode:

  • Mallory shares her personal story as a yoga teacher healing from her own traumatic brain injury
  • What it’s like living with a traumatic brain injury and chronic pain and how it affects mental health
  • What a yoga and mindfulness practice looks likes for those with a traumatic brain injury
  • And so more!

YES! I'm so excited to share all the goodies with you!