Dancing with your Shadow is a sacred journey celebrating and embracing your masks and shadow self through CommUNITY, Shadow Work Cacao Circle, Yoga, Somatic Movement, Ecstatic Dance and Sound Healing.


Halloween Edition 😈 Option to dress up in costume and get ready to move and dance from your shadow self, masks and darker aspects we all carry.


We ALL have a Shadow Self….the darker, messier parts within us that we might carry shame, embarrassment, guilt, insecurity and judgement around. The parts within us that are challenging to acknowledge or we have hidden from ourselves and others for a number of reasons - maybe from being told it’s ‘wrong’ or conditioned beliefs and stories around how we ‘need’ to be or ‘should’ be showing up.

We are all so beautifully made up of the light and the dark. It’s time to illuminate the darker aspects within us so we can step fully into our power, purpose and embrace ALL aspects of who we are. Diving into Shadow work creates space for you to live an aligned and purpose driven life. 

Awaken parts within you and connect to yourself in new ways through yoga, creative movement, breath connection, community, high vibe music, dance, sound healing and more! 

You will be guided on a journey into yourSELF and your own unique self-expression, through a uniquely crafted playlist and intentional facilitation.

It’s time to release your insecurities about how you look, move and dance. Allow your own authentic self to shine through in a safe space where everyBODY is welcome to express freely. Liberation comes from allowing ourselves to release old conditioned beliefs, try something new and allow ourselves to shine freely.


Your Journey Includes:

  • Shadow Work Cacao Opening Circle
  • Yoga and Somatic Movement
  • Ecstatic Dance...Shadow Style
  • Grounding Sound Healing Meditation
  • Conscious CommUNITY
  • Halloween Edition - Option to Dress Up and Wear your Masks...Embrace your Shadows

Community and Connection

My passion and mission is to bring community together in safe, loving and inclusive spaces. This event, experience and space is for everyBODY..whether you’re new to Shadow Work or not. All of you ARE welcome here and all of you IS welcome here. We honor all parts within every single one of you.


Halloween Edition - Dress in costume and wear your masks and shadows...

Most of us spend a lot of time and energy protecting our self image…hiding what we aren’t proud of or we feel others might judge us for. I invite you to DRESS UP and wear your 'mask' or an aspect of your Shadow SELF for this event…something that represents a darker part within you, maybe something you’re embarrassed of or have been hiding from. This part is of course optional - You can simply show up as you are and allow your shadow self to shine through!

No experience needed. Bring your own yoga mat, a mug for Cacao, an open mind and an open heart :)

Space is VERY limited and pre-registration is required to join in! Secure your spot and sign up below.


  • Saturday, October 12
  • 6:00 - 8:15 pm


  • Black Swan Yoga
  • 4530 North 7th Street, Phoenix 85014


  • $45 per person
Registration Closed!